Now then, I bet quite a few of you like the thought of a wonderful sapphire. How about one that has occurred in nature to have the form of what looks like a fabulous creature?
This sapphire really exists.
Gooty Sapphire just after engraving. |
Those who have been following will notice that this is going to be in my "DNA stain" style. You can see that I have engraved the outline of my subject into the moulding paste. You can also see the dark coating under the moulding paste where I've engraved to the fullest extent. I want quite deep engraving for some parts of this to really emphasise the edges.
Once the moulding paste has cured things will open up a little more as you can see below.
Gooty Sapphire a day after engraving, paste cured. |
Now the creature that is "Gooty Sapphire" reflects a metallic blue/purple light so I have used a mixture of metallic and conventional acrylic to get the effect that I want. As this is in the style of my "DNA stained" fossil images I have selected a rock colour (sandstone here) that is actually applied after the creature colour and is applied on top of it. Suitably quick blotting then brings out the original colour where planned.
Gooty Sapphire nearly finished. |
You can see the completed "Gooty Sapphire" (and read more about it)
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